Tuesday 11 March 2014

London - canal boat ride, Dover and more

Another great long weekend in London because Monday and Tuesday, 3rd & 4th March, were holidays because it was carnival time in Azpetia and the teacher I work with on Thursdays said have the day off so I flew to London on Thursday and got back to Azpeitia on Tuesday night after a great few days with Emma and Brit. Salwa popped up from time to time and also, I had the pleasure of Holly's company on Monday night for dinner at the Market House in Brixton.
Not Sam though because he was busily and happily enjoying time in NZ. 
On Friday I had a lazy day to myself.  I simply mooched about Brixton -  had my hair rejuvenated and then basically just walked about enjoying being back amongst the vibrant mix of people, cultures, sounds,  colours, food, markets, and the aromas, which are Brixton. The sun was shining and it was just GREAT! The places where I've lived in Spain are quite simply, monocultural, I wonder if it's like that all over Spain.  I hadn't realised  how much I miss being in a big mix of cultures and I think I'm  feeling a little homesick for the very first time. 
On Saturday,  Emma and I went on the canal boat ride. It was a bit of an odd day, sort of like a comedy of errors but we did have our canal ride. First off we didn't get off the tube when we should have and so had a bit of a walk to the pick-up point in Little Venice. We made it there in time but to  the boat was full. Who'd have thought that it would have been full! In the summer you'd have to take your breakfast and line-up very early.  This was at 1pm and the next boat went at 3pm, however the guy told us that we could take a 5 minute walk to Paddington Station, catch a No 27 bus to Camden Town and get the boat coming back at 2.15. 
Good idea, we thought, so off we went. Our attention was diverted by a canal boat which is a 2nd hand book shop - how could we resist. We browsed and I found a couple of books to buy. The guy asked us if we were from New Zealand, to which we replied,  " yes, we are" and he then said that when he's not sure if he's talking to kiwis or ozzies he always asks if they're from New Zealand because the ozzies don't mind being taken for kiwis. HA HA HA 
the book boat - worth stopping at, lots of good books here

On we went .... to get lost in amongst a conglomeration of new buildings and finding that the only way out was to go back the way we had come and follow the canal. About 2 minutes further along we came to the station, found the loo, by which time it was too late to make it to Camden in time. We felt a bit deflated until Emma, bless her cotton socks, remembered that there was also the 3pm boat leaving from Little Venice. 'Phew', we decided to go back the way we'd come and have lunch at a pretty nice looking restaurant and then get on the 3pm boat and hope the boat guy didn't recognise us and ask how come we weren't at Camden Town, and, no, he didn't. 
It was an interesting trip and am happy that we did  it.  It took about 11/2 hours and we floated past back gardens of some fancy real estate; a place that had 'PRIVATE' notices all along the fence but nothing to say who's place it is; through Regent's Park, apparently - because there was nothing to say that's where we actually were;  stopped at the zoo landing to pick up people and on and on to Camden Town. It seems like there are millions of canal boats, going by what I've seen in London and out on the canals we've seen on our various train trips.
Boy oh boy, there were a lot of people in Camden, we pulled up at the market and it was jam packed with people;  heaps of food stalls all of which looked & smelt delicious; a tiny little second- hand book shop which we browsed in but didn't buy anything; another tiny little shop full of board games, cards and card paraphernalia;  dice etc. We bought a crib board and then got out of the place, found our way to the station which was ridiculously crowded. A big crowd of people were out on the pavement waiting to get into the station and then the doors were closed to keep people out. Emma thought that the lift wasn't working and that the doors were closed for safety reasons because the interior and platforms had become too crowded. We gave up on the subway and left to find a bus to somewhere and then onto Brixton where Brit was slaving over a hot stove cooking us a lamb roast dinner. What a treasure, she is. It was delicious.
I almost forgot - I helped Emma to remember how to play crib and then proceeded to 'take her to the cleaners', well, she did come close to winning a couple of times.  We had a lot of fun It's a great game and I love playing it.
I took some videos of the boat ride, instead of individual photos, and I thought I'd put one on here but I have to find out how to do it. Turns out it's not the same as putting photos on and it'll be ages beforeI figure it out so there's nothing to show, sorry.
The next day, Sunday, the 3 of us went to Dover and what a fun time we had.

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