Monday 16 June 2014


Finally made it back to the blog. It's been a bit of a busy time since we left Azpeitia - Zaragoza, London, Cornwall, London, Bruges, London, and right now we're speeding through the English countryside on the train to Leeds to visit my niece, Alysha, and her family - husband Paula and almost 4 year old daughter Jennifer plus her father and mother, my brother and sister-in-law, who arrived from NZ 4 days ago. We're only in Leeds for the one night and will return to London on the 4pm train tomorrow and then the countdown for home really does begin. Funny to think that this time next week I'll be back in Aroha Avenue, Auckland.
However, before I get there I must finish off here and so - Zaragoza.
As always, Zaragoza was wonderful, even the unexpected and out of character seriously heavy downpour early Saturday evening couldn't put a damper on my enjoyment of being there with my Zaragoza amigos -  eating and drinking, walking and talking and laughing, a lot of English and a little Spanish. 

To finish the night off Saturday night, Barry and I went with Yolanda and Jose Antonio went to watch some flamenco dancing which is the thing in Andalusia but not in Zaragoza. For one week a year at the end of May, under a very big marquee people gather - some to watch and some to dance 'The Flamenco'  Some of the dancers are dressed in the colourful flamenco gear and some are not and it doesn't seem to matter. Everyone seems to be having fun. There's nothing formal about it - a wooden board about 2 meters wide ran the length of the marquee and this was the dance floor. The dancers were almost shoulder to shoulder and seemed to manage to have enough space to dance with verve and energy. The spectators were right up to the 'dance floor' - standing room only although there were table and chairs on one side. We were standing right a long side the 'dance floor' so got a very good view of the dancing, costumes, expressions etc. I thought it was fantastic.

 first thing on Sunday morning under the blue, blue Zaragoza sky on the Roman Bridge on more time! 

We all met up again on Sunday around 11ish and more walking and talking and laughing and eating etc etc. We went to the big park for one last walk up to the top of the waterfall/fountain and the obligatory photos at the top.
the park

the people

 I was full of conflicting emotions that was for sure, cherishing this time with these people who'd become such good friends, in the city I very much enjoy being in, knowing that this time there was no 'see you in September', this time it would be 'goodbye'. 
All too soon it was time to head back to the hotel, load our bags into the car and off to the airport. This time Yolanda and Jose Antonio took us to the airport and then we were on our way to London.
Yes, I was looking forward to seeing Emma and Sam and everyone else but boy oh boy I was very sad to say goodbye to Zaragoza - the city, the people, my Spanish interlude. 
Sergio, Lourdes, Yolanda, Jose Antonio - gracias y hasta luego, besos y brazos.

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