Tuesday 4 February 2014

The finish of my holiday

As well as the major things like Cardiff, Xmas, New Year, the Horniman Museum, and the Canal Museum, we also went to see 'One Man, Two Guvnors' at the Theater Royal in Haymarket. David and Lesley had talked about it as being really good and very funny and that is exactly what it was. We all enjoyed it and thought that it was indeed very funny. 
I'd enjoyed some time on my own mooching about, even though I did get lost in Convent Garden when I seemed to be going around in circles becoming more and more disoriented by the minute. I was just beginning to despair of ever getting out of the place when I managed to break free from the circle and get my bearings, fortunately, in time to meet Emma at her work, which is just a few minutes walk from Convent Garden. 
Plus, there were lots of little and very enjoyable times such as the 2 games of 'Gloom' with Emma and Brit, and winning both of them; deciding to have a look inside St Martin-in-the-Fields and finding a flautist and a group of musicians having a practice session, doing their thing and seemingly not taking any notice of the group of people watching and listening; being in Trafalgar Square in the gathering gloom of dusk and watching all the people, buses and lights and then discovering that it was only 4.15pm ( it was then that I made my way to Convent Garden and got lost there so it was quite dark when I was trying to find my way out);  a few dinners out in local Brixton cafes, discovering the delicious food in Kafe, Brixton, as well as eating in various places in 'the city'; beers in various  pubs and bars on our travels, including one which had 2 floors but only one bar, which is on the ground floor, and the stairs up to the next  floor are very narrow and rather rickety, so to keep the upstairs customers happy there is a small lift for taking orders and payment down to the bar and drinks coming up to the customers.  Very cool and very interesting. I think this pub is on the edge of China Town.
And so my holiday came to an end. I posted some stuff back to NZ and went into meet Emma for one last lunch together, unfortunately Sam had a meeting so I didn't get to meet up with him one last time, and  then it was time to head back to Brixton and then out to Heathrow and return to The Basque Country. 
Once again, I'd enjoyed another damn fine London holiday - wonderful time with a couple of my most favourite people, namely Emma and Sam along with tea-crazy Brit and the effervescent Salwa, and lovely Holly.  It was great to meet Stacey(Holly's mother) and spend a bit more time with Mike and to meet Emma's friends, Jess and Karl, once again, if only for a short time. 
Apart from another instance of a nonappearing taxi, which was sorted, thanks to Salwa so that I got to Heathrow in time to catch the flight, my trip back was uneventful. I was very lucky to be met at the Bilbao Airport by one of the teachers, and her husband, and driven back to Azpeitia. Otherwise it was a bus ride to San Sebastian, an overnight stay there and bus to Azpeitia in time to start school at 9.30 am the next day. You can imagine how grateful I was to them both.
I'm going to finish my ramblings about my holiday with a random selection of  photos taken out and about in London during this time.
    in Brixton
    in Columbia Road on the way to the flower market
   on the way to the flower market
     along the canal path
   near the flower market
  another piece of home
   the ballerina in the glass bowl twirls around and around and around and.. is forever twirling around 
 Cambridge Circus
 somewhere near Cambridge Circus
   inside St Martin-in-the-Fields
  on the way to Convent Garden
 Trafalgar Square

     Trafalgar Square with Big Ben, Nelson's Column and the Xmas tree which is a gift from Norway
 apparently every year Norway gives London a Xmas tree - good on Norway. 
      a busker in Convent Garden

    quintessential London, perhaps! Taken from a bus - I'll never be tired of this view at any time of    the day or night.

over and out for now

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