Tuesday 8 October 2013

after some has passed .....

.... today we move out of the hotel and into an apartment in Azpeitia. It's been rather a tough week and I've felt a bit despondent, to say the least, about the situation hence no blogging for a while. It seemed that we were going to have to live in San Sebastian and I would be commuting for around 50 minutes each way to get to school in Azpeitia from San Sebastian. I've never commuted that far ever and wasn't looking forward to doing it now. The difficulty in finding somewhere to rent here isn't because there aren't empty apartments, because apparently there are plenty. It's more because people not wanting to have strangers in their apartments because of potential problems ie parties, rent not paid, the place being wrecked and that there will be far more people living in the apartment then are supposed to.  Sounds like us!!!!!! Apart from the commute, San Sebastian is far more expensive than Azpeitia, the difference between what we'll be paying and what we looked at in San Sebastian is £250 - 300 which is  a fair bit of traveling money. It is  more expensive than Zaragoza, though. We were told that the Basque Country is expensive and it turns out that this is so.  

Now it's time to move out of the hotel, literally and in all good conscience I can't lay about writing this while Barry lugs all our stuff, 1 bag at a time because the lift is so small, so must leave this here. I'll pick it up later in the day and fill you in on the past week or so.

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